(NKJV) Proverbs 16:16-17 “How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! 17) The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.
(CEV) Proverbs 16:16-17 “It’s much better to be wise and sensible than to be rich. 17) God’s people avoid evil ways, and they protect themselves by watching where they go.
If you are to make a sincere choice of one out of these two, which one would be the most desirable to you? The wise-man in the book of Proverbs makes a profound expression that, it is better to acquire wisdom than gold. Looking at how gold is very valuable to us, one would wonder, “Is wisdom really that precious?”. Personally, I would define wisdom as having the insight, foresight and the attitude to do what is best, at the best time and place, with the right people. Wisdom influences one’s thought process, attitude, choice of relationships, places to be or not to be and the times and seasons to act.
Wisdom = plain ‘common sense’ – Wisdom is part of your inheritance. It is exercised in the choices we make – Making wise choices brings peace in our life, Wisdom Makes us successful in our life, work, relationships, stable in our finances, etc. Wisdom is good for direction…it will show you what to say/do at the right time etc. God Will Give you enough Wisdom (by His Grace (Favor), that even the wise will call you wise. ‘Seek wisdom’ for your daily decision making. Wisdom & peace are like twins, when you walk in wisdom you will get peace – if you don’t have peace then you know you are not walking in wisdom.
We need to run after Jesus because He is “The Power of God and The Wisdom of God”. The more we know Christ and Christ Crucified, the more we will have the Power and Wisdom of God. Jesus is The Wisdom of God Incarnated in Flesh – when you look at Jesus you see The Wisdom of God, so you do not have to wonder what The Wisdom of God is. Always let us use the Wisdom from Above so that we turn up to be who God Wants to be. All you have to do is to look at Jesus. Jesus’ Life is a Manifestation of The Wisdom of God. The Source of our Wisdom is God. Use your Faith to find God’s Wisdom Which is in His WORD. Wisdom Gives you safety even in the midst of fire, famine, war, etc.
wisdom ought to be our steering wheel for life. That is why after a careful study of life, Solomon made a profound statement that, “Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom.” (Proverbs 4:7). As it stands now, the quest for money has become the principal reason for which we do most of the things we do. Money is good and a necessity of life. However, it must not be the most valuable treasure our hearts yearn for. Live your life with Godly Wisdom now, so that you do not end up with regrets later in your life.
(Ps 104; 24 – O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches) – The Word is What you need to produce wealth in your life – You don’t need money to create wealth, you need seed & Godly Wisdom,
Prov 2: 1-6 –Seek wisdom, (pursue it, go after it). Every day of your life tell God that; ‘I know wisdom is in me, Lord. Please help me to seek (crave, go after, pursue) it & take time to wait for it … I don’t want to do foolishness & get result of my folly’
Prov 4: 5 Get Wisdom…Get Understanding – He wouldn’t ask us; ‘…to get…’ it if Wisdom & Understanding are not available to us, so we must actively pursue it. Wisdom is crying out on the street.
Prov 4; 8 – how do you get promotion? Seek Wisdom
1 Cor 1: 18-20 – there’s a worldly wisdom, & there’s a Wisdom of God: Wisdom of God is Embodied in Jesus.
1 Cor 1: 30 (The Bible Says: Christ in Made wisdom onto us) – so Wisdom is in us but we have to live deeper
Choose your words carefully – there’s power in what we say, so let’s pray for some Wisdom with our mouth. Get the Wisdom of God before you start saying something bad & put yourself in trouble. Whatever position you have at work never use the wisdom of man, but always operate in the Wisdom of God. If we keep asking God for Miracles & we keep getting one we will always need them, but if we ask for wisdom God will Help us out of the problem & we will keep out of trouble by not doing that wrong thing again. Whenever you get a problem do not run to people, go to God first for His Wisdom Put The Wisdom of God to work on everything in life.
Wisdom makes a man rich without adding sorrow to it, but the aggressive search for wealth often leads many into snares without they realizing them. Show me a wise man, and I can guarantee that he will not end up in poverty, but the folly of a rich man makes others take advantage of him. When God blesses a person with Wisdom, that person will always know exactly what to do to make the best out of all life’s circumstances. I want to challenge you today; make Wisdom a priority in life. The first act of Godly Wisdom is to fear the LORD and obey His Commands for your life. The reason is simple: it is Wisdom to entrust your life to the One Who Knows and Sees it all, and is Loving and Powerful enough to bring the best out of you. Wisdom is better than gold, understanding, more desirable than silver and money.
Stop taking advice from ungodly people – worldly Wisdom is controlled the devil so it is good-worldly wisdom is foolish. God Wants us to have enough Godly Wisdom to know when to speak, what say, and when to stop. Godly Wisdom is one of the most Important & the most Precious thing that you can obtain. Don’t put your Faith in the wisdom of man. If we follow The Wisdom of God then people in the world will see our God, but they cannot see our God if we are like them. Be real, honest, and use Godly Wisdom with other people. Continue to grow in your Faith in God and live in The Wisdom of His Word. Believe God for a Great Change in your life.
Heavenly Father, please Open the Windows of Heaven and Rain down Wisdom upon my life. Grant me insight and foresight and help me to develop an attitude of Wisdom. May I never place the love of money above my love for you. Prosper me LORD, in all my ways.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.