(NKJV): Matt 25:21 “…thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord”.
(CEV): Matt 25:21 “Wonderful!” his master replied. “You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share in my happiness!”
God is Faithful to His Word – God is Faithful to His Favor – God is a God of Favor. God’s Faithful – in a crazy, shaky world. He is still Faithful – through every storm, difficult situation, etc. God is Faithful to d repentant. God’s Faithful – He May Not Do it the way you like it, but He Will Do it. Even we are Faithful, God is Faithful (2 Tim 2; 13) – If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself. The Anointing is increased when we are Faithful (Lk 16: 10). He is Faithful to the one who confesses his sins (1 Jn 1: 9). Our God is a Faithful God – once He Gives a Promise He will Perform it. (Num 23: 19)
In Scripture, to be faithful means to be steady, stable, dependable and consistent. Is this you. FAITHFULNESS IS A DECISION TO DO WHAT GOD SAYS (Phil 2: 13). One Pastor puts it like this (and I quote); “Faithfulness is doing the thing God Said to you to do” A Faithful PERSON IS GRATEFUL, & A GRATEFUL PERSON IS FAITHFUL. God is serious about Faithfulness because it’s connected to victory Faithfulness pays big dividends with God. ‘A faithful man will abound with blessings’ (Proverbs 28:20 NKJV). Jesus Said, ‘Many are called, but few chosen’ (Matthew 20:16 NKJV). Why is that? Because talent may open the door and get you the job, but character and faithfulness will keep you there.
When it comes to Faithfulness there are 2 tests that you have to distinguish yourself in: (1) ‘If you have not been Faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own’ (Luke 16:12 NKJV)? If you are critical, complaining, competitive or comparing yourself with others, you will be disqualified for what God Has in His Mind for you. Faithfulness calls for serving with love and humility. (2) Your Faithfulness in small things. ‘His lord said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things…For to everyone who has, more will be given…but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away”‘ (Matthew 25:23, 29 NKJV).
Here’s a second video for you
We proof our Faithfulness to God obeying Him. Just keep being Faithful, because The Bible Says; ‘a Faithful man will abide in The Blessing. The just shall leave by Faith and in his Faithfulness. God Blesses the diligent, eg; David, Stephen: There’s a direct correlation between diligence & abundance – be Faithful to those you work for. One thing that God Likes is Faithfulness from every believer.
Faithfulness involves doing something over & over – be Faithful & diligent & do what God Has Asked to do, no devil can mess into what God Has for you. Be Faithful and worship Him. Your present-day obedience to things determines your future provision of things…be Faithful with stuff. Be Faithful & do what God Asked you to do, because there’s a reward (payday) coming. Be Faithful where you are at & God Will Promote you in due time. Be Faithful with your commitments – keep your word/promises. • Be Faithful, help people, do good, be Led by The Holy Spirit & not by your feelings. Everything in The Kingdom of God Works by Faith, so be Faithful in living by Faith
God Wants to know he can trust you. You prove that by how well you serve others, by your Faithfulness in small things, and by doing the thing He Told you to do. These are proven Biblical principles that work in Spiritual matters, and in everyday life. No matter how difficult things are, God can turn around the bad into good, only if you will be Faithful and worship Him, ie; No matter what you are going through God Can Change your life; but have Faith and be Faithful. Be a Faithful friend & be Faithful at work/home & everywhere.
Today, prayerfully ask yourself the question, ‘Am I faithful?’ (When you are, God will bless you.)In Jesus’ Name .Amen