Prov 3: 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Is 26: 3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

Trust is the key to Kingdom living. Trusting God is wonderful. LET US TRUST GOD: The devil is truly alive this earth & he will come  against us, but if you really put yourself in God’s Hands & you love Him with your heart, God Will Make  Sure That there is devil in hell who can get to you & do you any damage. Trusting God yesterday does not help you today, you have trust God Today. We need to get comfortable not knowing because part of trusting God is that even if we do not know, He Has all the answers.

Put your trust only on God as your Only Source (Phil; 4, 19). Trust God with unreserved confidence to perform His Will in your life. Look only to God to meet your need, & not onto the people you helped: do not put your trust in men because they will fail you, so put your trust in God & believe that He is for you – don’t put your trust in people somebody else is not responsible for your joy. No matter how worse your problem is, trust The Lord persistently & He will turn things round for you.

When you put your trust in God the enemy bows  his knees to The Name of Jesus & you will have victory. When you are devoted to The Lord…when you put your trust in Him… there’s nothing greater than that… Whatever bad thing you are going through if you put your trust in God, He Will Use it for your good & work it out for your benefit. Trust is an expression of your commitment: You have to trust God whether your Prayers are answered or  not.

You are never wasting your time trusting God. There’s no way the wicked will come  against your family, children money if put your trust in God. Whenever you are in a situation that you don’t understand purposefully  put your trust in God. If you put your eyes on people you will be disappointed, but if put your trust in God you can enjoy your life while God Is Solving your problem.

Stop worrying and trust God to Come  through for you. Your Faith may change but TRUST is FIXED & CONSTANT.WhatsApp Image 2018-11-03 at 21.06.15

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