Psalm 127:1 “1 A song of ascents, by Solomon. If the LORD does not build a house, then those who build it work in vain. If the LORD does not guard a city, then the watchman stands guard in vain.” – NET

Our journey on earth is like a building process. The kind of foundation of life we build today will be the determiner of our salvation or doom tomorrow. God wants us to heed to the advice of the wise man Solomon.

If there is any man noted for the building of great structures in the ancient Israel, that man is Solomon. His time of rule over Israel was the Golden age in Israel’s history. If with his experience in life, he admonishes us that it is useless for a man to build a house without the patronage of God, we have to take him seriously.

Day in and out we lay new ‘life blocks’ to our lives. Where we were yesterday is not where we will be tomorrow. We have some visions we want to see manifest in our lives. However, no matter how hardworking we may be, it will take the hand of God to build a life that will sustain our blessing sees for the rest of our lives. I must say that many Christians are suffering in life because they have not learnt to build with the LORD.

It is one thing being saved and trying to make it to heaven, and another thing walking with God as He builds our lives and manifests His splendor.

Jesus Christ paid the price not only for our salvation from past sins but also for our lives will be better on earth even as we await the glorious rapture. If we want to encounter that glorious life on earth, then we have to learn to trust God as He builds our lives.

Beloved, if your business, home, education, health and ministry will be well established and sustained, it will take the finger of God to build your life.

I want to challenge you to surrender everything into His hands and obey whatever He tells you and you will be a testimony of His living power.


Heavenly Father, I surrender my entire life into Your hands, trusting that You will build it in accordance with Your good plans for my life. Protect my family and me, and grant me the Grace to walk in total obedience to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


What conditions do I need to fulfil, in order to build your life with God?


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