(NKJV) “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;”

(CEV) Keep your Creator in mind while you are young! In years to come, you will be burdened down with troubles and say, “I don’t enjoy life anymore.” – Contemporary English Bible (CEV)

Remember God in youth before old age and death: Turn to God Now, Make the Most of Life While You Can.

It’s interesting how many people know, as a matter of truth, that they need to build a good relationship with God, The Creator and God over their lives, yet they keep postponing the day and they would not take God Almighty seriously. The time to remember our Creator is now.

After King Solomon had admonished the youth on the need to balance their quest for pleasure with the consciousness of a coming day of judgement, he went ahead to prompt them on the sense of urgency with which they ought to build their personal relationship with God. To Solomon, remembering our Creator is to be done in the present sense of time.

Precious one, for some people, the only time they get to remember God is when they find themselves in trouble. Well, there is a day of trouble coming whereby an attempt to plead for Mercy or to reach God will be literally impossible. On that day, the Judgement Day of The LORD, repentance will be too late to be considered.

Saint, I want to challenge you today: If you can get to know God and be Saved ‘NOW’, why risk postponing your salvation to a future you are not even certain of. Please think deeply about this. The time to remember your Creator is now.

Conclusion: Remember you are God’s Property, so serve Him from the start of your years, not the end of your years, when service is very limited. The earlier a person comes to The Lord, the fewer problems he, or she, will have. Sometimes, I believe it is easier for the youth to come to The Lord.

Heavenly Father, I desire to know You more. I repent of my sins and desire to have a better walk with you from this moment of my life. Help me LORD,
in Jesus’ Name, Amen


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