.v6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
v7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.”

Hello precious child of God. The outcome of our lives is directly proportional to the kind of information we receive and walk with in this life. If you follow a lie, your life will be a ‘living fallacy’ but if you walk in The Truth, The Truth (you know) shall Set you Free. Of a truth, knowledge is power.

Our Heavenly Father Wants to Caution us to be very careful of the Kind of ‘Gospel’ we believe and follow. The Gospel in the text used by Apostle Paul Refers to the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ that Produces Salvation, liberty, and eternal life. This Gospel Affects the totality of the human being.

After Apostle Paul had laboured to present to the church, the unadulterated Gospel, these believers went ahead to doubt The True Gospel as well as the apostleship of Paul. They doubted that Faith in Jesus Christ alone was enough for Salvation.

Beloved, in our day and age, it is not easy to be a Faithful pastor because members are exposed to several messages from Monday to Saturday; some strange and others true, before coming to warm the church pews on Sunday. Beloved, it is very easy to end up believing things contrary to God’s Word. As Paul rightly put it, if you follow any word other than the Word of God, you are deserting Christ.

Child of God, I want to challenge you to be an ardent student of the Bible so that you will not be tossed about with any other form of doctrine. Any message that does not point to Christ but is contrary to The Scriptures is a ‘strange fire’, do not follow it. Let us be weary in these times!

The death He Died Was Accepted by The Father as FULL Payment for our sins – (payment for all our sins and payment for every sin) so that whoever believes on HIM, would not perish but have Everlasting life. And we are to LIVE by Faith alone in Christ alone as well.

Heavenly Father,
Please Grant me The Grace and discernment to be able to discern false doctrines from the true Word of God. Please Enlighten my understanding as I commit myself to the constant study of Your Word.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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