Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee”.

Many seasons in life can be scary. You might be asked to step into something new and uncertain. You might walk through a difficult situation or face insurmountable opposition. It is easy to feel discouraged or fearful of seasons like this, especially in the midst of the unknown.

But God’s Word says that Faith is needed in every season of life. Faith means putting our trust in God and taking the next step, even if we don’t know what is ahead.

In Deuteronomy 31:6, God encouraged them to be strong and courageous in the midst of facing their greatest fears. And, He even gave them a promise to ease their fears: He would never leave their side.

God’s promises flow out of His character. We know that God is good and always speaks the truth. We know that He cannot lie and that every Word He says is fully and completely true.

Often, in seasons of difficulty, all we have left to hold onto is a promise from God. But regardless of how everything changes around us, we can always place our Faith in God’s promises.

During this season of Advent, and time of reflection, think about the seasons of your own life. Every situation you face is an opportunity to grow your faith in God and trust in His promises. So, if you’re feeling discouraged or fearful of the future, spend some time in prayer, asking God for courage and peace.

Remember that you are never alone in life. God is always with you. Not only will His presence never leave you, but His love will never be taken away. He will never forsake you. There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38).

 Belief God is good and truthful, and He will not break His Word or promises to humanity. It involves living life in light of God’s promises and believing that they are true.

Thank God for His love and presence during this season of manifestation. And confidently cling to the promises that He has given you.

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