(NKJV): Acts 2:26-27 = “Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope: Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.”

(CEV): Acts 2:26-27 = “Because of this, my heart will be glad, my words will be joyful, and I will live in hope. The Lord won’t leave me in the grave. I am his holy one, and he won’t let my body decay.

Twenty-one years ago, God Said something to me that will mark my us forever: “The only hope that any man has anywhere in the world is Faith in Jesus Christ.”

Considering what’s happening around us today, the truth of the statement is more painfully obvious than ever before. We are a generation with diseases no man can heal, with problems no man can solve. What fleeting successes we have are quickly overshadowed by new and greater crises.

All too often, that’s as true for believers as it is for unbelievers. It shouldn’t be. But it is. Believers are being killed by the same diseases that are devastating the rest of the world. They’re being plagued by the same problems. And many are walking around without hope–just like the rest of the world.

Why? Because the only hope that any man has is Faith in Jesus Christ. And most Christians don’t know how to live by Faith.

Instead of being filled with The Word and with Faith, they have been stuffed full of religious tradition and superstition. And they are suffering: When the devil hits them with sickness and disease, with poverty or depression or divorce, they often stand by helplessly as it destroys them. They simply don’t know what else to do. The Bible Says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hos. 4:6).

But you know: Your hope is in Jesus. Trust Him. And tell the world–their hope is in Him too.

Scripture Reading:

Mark 4:35-41


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