(NKJV): Ps 73:28 = “But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.
(NET): Ps 73:28 = “But as for me, God’s presence is all I need. I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, as I declare all the things you have done.
NET = New English Translation
To experience God’s Presence is to experience the shining of God’s Face: The Ability of God to be “present” with human beings. We know God is Omnipresent (God is Present everywhere at the same time). Let use me use this simple illustration:
- The Bible Tells that, ‘Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost’ (1 Cor 6: 19).
- Let say you are God. I’m believer who owns a house (my Temple).
- We are friends so you (God) to live in house (my Temple,
- so all the time you (God) you are in the house (even though we are not in the room room) – that is equivalent to “God is Omnipresent”.
- However, when you (God) come to my room or into the living room talk face-2-face with me, that is “God’s presence”
The Presence of God means everything to The Christian. You are not going to be in The Presence of God without developing in The Love of God. Something marvellous happens when you get in The Presence of God by prayer. The Presence of God Will Keep you above troubles. Stop crying for money but rather crave for The Presence of God, because when you carry The Presence of God you get money, Favour, etc Prosperity = the level of God’s Presence in your life When you get rich in His Presence manifestations happen, because in His Presence things happen, things are available to you when you walk in The Presence of God
Walking in Righteousness gives you the ability to be in The Presence of God without guilt, shame, & fearless. Satan is a destiny killer but if you have The Presence of God nobody can kill your destiny. The Presence of God Protects you & Fights your battles for you. The Holy Spirit Will Reveal the plans of your enemy to you if you carry God’s presence. Stay in The Presence Of God: Fear melts in The Presence of Love
When you have the presence of god what people say about you don’t matter, only what God Says. Revival comes when The Presence of God Comes and everything you have lost is Restored back to you. The Presence of God Will Revive anything that’s dead in your life. When you carry The Presence of God you get favour, money, joy, etc
Ps: 16, 11 (Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy…) – there exit a good life for believer. Practice The Presence of God & He Will Show you the path of life – it all requires trust.
Ps 84; 4 – People who dwell in The Presence of God are Blessed (are empowered to have success). An Anointing Comes on you when you dwell in His Presence
Ps 84; 11 – the upright dwell in The Presence of God: Always confess that; ‘Thank God for The Blood of Jesus, no good will be withheld from me: because I am the upright, no-good thing will be withheld from me
Ps; 92, 1 =Thanksgiving & Praise in the midst of hard times will make The Anointing Fresh in your life & Bring you to The Presence of God
Dan; 6 – You are Protected when you carry The Presence of God. A typical example was Daniel in the lions’ den: Did the lions eat him? NO – why? Because Daniel carried The Presence of God.
Eph 2:10 (For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them ) – if you get in The Bible you will get into His Presence & He Will Show you the path to the good life that He had already been Prepared for you.
Heb 10;18-20 – we enter into The Presence of God by The Blood of Jesus
1 Jn 5, 14 – In The Presence of God there is no struggle; only Answered prayer.
One Popular American tele-evangelist said, and I quote: “when you pray God Sends an Angel, but you praise He Himself Comes…When prayed an Angel Brought the Answer (Dan 10: 10-12), when the imprisoned Apostle Paul & Silas started singing praises God Came to prison to Break them free (Acts 16: 25-26)
It is an undisputable truth that the needs of man in this life are numerous. There seem to be a lot to worry about: food, clothing, shelter, employment, money, family etc. The moment one of the needs is met, another need arises; such is life. It is therefore quite interesting for the Psalmist to declare that unlike all other people, he had only one need. He expressed that as for him, all he needed in this life was The Presence of God. He continued by saying that after making the Sovereign Lord his Shelter in life, he had a good cause to praise God for all the things God had Done for him.
That implies that he sought earnestly for God’s Presence, and all other things pertaining to life and success were Added to him. Know that God is more than enough: God is all you need in life. The reason is that when God Comes into a person’s life, He Comes in with a complete package of Blessings of good health, long life, beautiful family, peace, prosperity, hope and above all, eternal life.
Desire God’s Presence passionately, cherish His Presence with all your heart, because God’s Presence is all we need. I have tried and tested and of a truth, God’s presence is all we need in life. May you have a practical experience of this truth, Amen.
Heavenly Father, thank You very much for making Your Presence accessible to us. Your presence is all I need LORD. Continue to be with me always,
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.