(NKJV) – Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.

(CEV) – You will be safe, if you always do right, but you will get caught, if you are dishonest.

Is it possible for a Christian to stay clean and pure in a world filled with violence, immorality, and corruption? Or is it inevitable that the spirit of this age will wear down The Saints of God and vex their souls? It happened to Lot and his family in Sodom, and it is happening to multitudes of Christians all around the world. The overwhelming temptations of this evil generation have already caused numbers of Christians to compromise and indulge in ungodly practices.

Truly honest Christians must take inventory and ask of themselves these important questions, “Are my moral values changing? Is the wickedness of this age seeping into my life? Am I being affected by the barrage of sensuality I see all around me? Am I developing an appetite for worldly things?” (It doesn’t don’t have things & money: no, you have things & money don’t love those things & money)

Evil has always been present. The devil tried to tempt and deceive David, Isaiah, Paul, and The People of God in every generation just as forcefully as he seeks to devour God’s people today. In spite of it all, God Has Always Had A remnant, people who remained true to the end. The spirit of the age did not overwhelm them. In fact, they grew strong and Holy in the midst of persecution and evil.

This generation is becoming wicked and vile because it is losing its Faith in God — and that Faith is dissipating because The Bible is no longer consumed as A Life-Giving Force. Do not blame the devil — our backslidings are the result of one thing: lack of prayer and Bible reading.

We need to be praying, “Oh, God, Cause me to see how cold I have become. Cause me to know how weak I am and put in me a new hunger for spiritual things.”

Here is God’s Desire to all who live in the midst of wickedness:

“That you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world”
(Philippians 2:15).

Let your light shine


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4 thoughts on “PROVERBS 10: 9

  1. Good Word.
    If we remain in the spirit we will not fullfil the desires of the flesh.
    God wants us to be Holy

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