TITUS 1: 4-5

v4: “To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour v5 For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:”

Today, our Heavenly Father Wants us to appreciate the fact that, wherever we may find ourselves in life, there is a reason and an assignment we ought to fulfil. We are where we are for a reason.

Apostle Paul reminded Titus, his son in The Faith, that there was a reason for which He (Titus) was left in Crete. He was to correct and put in order the things that were lacking, especially in the Church, as he had been directed in accordance with God’s Will.

Today, God Wants us to appreciate that probably, we are in our nation, our current society, our church, our family etc, because He Wants to Use us to set in order whatever is lacking at the place where we are. This throws light on the importance of us finding ourselves at the right place at the right time.

What we ought to do always, is to carefully assess ourselves in order to acknowledge whether or not we are walking as true Vessels of God, being Empowered for change in our various environments. We may not be able to effect positive changes on your own, hence the need for us to share the vision with others and appoint people to help fulfil the call.

The fact that God Seeks to Use us as instruments of change at places where there are challenges and compromises, does not mean that we should sit in the midst of sinners and scorners (Psalm 1:1-3).

Today, I want to challenge us all. Let us see ourselves as God’s instruments of Change. If God Could Use Paul, Timothy, and Titus to Put things in order in their societies and in the Church, God Can Equally Use us for greater works. Surely, there is a reason behind our present life location. You have been put there for a reason.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for Enlightening me on the possible reasons for which You have Placed me where I am today. Father, Use me as Your Vessel and Battle Axe to set in order what may be wrong in my nation, family, school and in my church. In Jesus’ Name I pray,


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