(NKJV) Romans 5:1- “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:”
(CEV) Romans 5:1- “By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, we have peace with God.”
We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: – to be at peace with God is to be at peace with the universe To have peace with God repent, and have a Deep, Intimate, & a Personal relationship with God. Have peace with God, yourself, & then with your fellow men. Trust God – don’t figure out the ‘why’ behind everything. God is the most important Personality in the entire universe. He Holds all Creation together and is therefore one Person you cannot afford to be His enemy.
Jesus Cleansed you With His Blood so that God Can Live in you. You are at peace with God, and you are one with God; God is in you & you are in Him, you are citizen of Heaven. God is your own Father & you are His Own Child, 1 Jn 4; 4. You can’t have peace with other people unless you have peace with yourself first. If you have peace, you will have confidence (Faith) in WORD. Godly Peace comes from hearing Words of Jesus.
Unfortunately, sin became the cause of enmity between God and mankind. In our nature of sinfulness, there was no hope of man being at peace with the Most High until He Sent His only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord to Save us. Our Righteousness is thus not by Faith in ourselves but by Faith in Christ our Lord. Don’t make life altering decisions based on money- do you have peace about it – does it help your family? No amount of money is worth your peace, & your stress.
Is 57: 20 – there is no peace for those who are perverted.
Jn 14: 27 Jesus Said This just before His ascension – In your spirit you have peace. Pursue peace – don’t be ruled by your emotions stop Praying for peace because you already have it, but rather Pray for Revelation to access and Wisdom to choose peace – the way to pursue is to stop giving in to your emotions. Thank God that you have peace (Jn 14: 27) and ask Him to Give you Grace to walk in this peace. When you become born- again you do not need to pray for peace, you have Peace – by faith you cause peace to come out of you. Peace is part of your inheritance as a believer in Jesus – refuse to give up on peace –it’s your gift from God – remember to stay in peace, you have peace
1 Cor 1: 30 – Wisdom is in us, but we have to live deeper – when you walk in Wisdom, you have peace
1 Pet 3: 10 – If you want to keep your peace learn to zip your lips – we have lost our peace several times because we opened our mouth at the wrong time
Apostle Paul therefore explained that since we have been declared righteous by Faith, we now have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus has Reconciled us unto God, and we can now call the Most High our Heavenly Father. Having peace with God implies that we are no longer denied access to the Presence of God and can now live in harmony with God.
Have you given your life to Jesus? If you have, the good news is that you have been Declared Righteous, and you have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. As long as you remain in Christ, God will Treat you as a son or daughter and you will have a place in His Kingdom. I want to urge you to always acknowledge and appreciate the relationship you have with God through Christ. You are now at peace with God through Jesus Christ. What a great blessing this is?
Heavenly Father, I am extremely joyous to be at peace with You. Thank You Jesus for Your Work of Reconciliation. Please Grant me the Grace to walk in this Faith,
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.