(NKJV) Hebrews 2:14-15 – “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil…And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.”

(CEV) Hebrews 2:14-15 – “We are people of flesh and blood. This is why Jesus became one of us. He died to destroy the devil, who had power over death. 15 But he also died to rescue all of us who live each day in fear of dying.”

We are Set Free from sin by His perfect Life that God Accepted as a Substitute for our sin-stained lives. We are completely Freed from the guilt and punishments of our sins as we look to Jesus and see Him Make the payment for every last sin. God Accepted that payment and Declared us as “not guilty.” God Created humanity in the image of God and called them to partner with Him in expanding His Creation. But partnership requires trust, so God Gave humanity the freedom to make their own choices. That was why when satan put us in bondage, God Had To Send Jesus to us free us

Is 54: 9 – God Will Correct you but He Won’t Beat you up, why? Because Jesus Took all the Beating For us. He Went to hell and Paid for us

Jn 10; 10 – Jesus Died for you to enjoy life & enjoy every step of your healing. Get unstuck & enjoy your life – nothing hurts the devil than you enjoying your life.

Rom 6: 1, 3-5, 7-10 – we have been set free from sin so if we sin then it means ‘we want to’

Rom 6: 18 – “You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.” – Now you are set free from sin and you are slaves who please God.

Romans 8:2. – we have been set free from sin through Jesus, also we have been set free from the law of sin as well

1 Cor 7: 23 – Jesus Paid a very High price (a Painful Death) for you so do not be enslaved by the world.

Christ  has Paid the  ransom for our freedom – We have been Redeemed = Ransom has been paid, set free. – what was done in the garden had to be paid for. Jesus Paid for our freedom with His Blood on the Cross  This is our legal position – Jesus Bought & Paid for all these. We do not have to feel bad about our self for something bad that we did in the past. Jesus Took Care (Paid) for all that – and  He doesn’t need your help.

Do you know that the fear of death has caused many people to actually die before their time? Some have even sacrificed their eternal life in Christ because of the fear of earthly death. However, in the eyes of God, the death of His Child is only a transition from the earth to a more Glorious Heavenly realm. Be bold to receive, Jesus Paid for it – the best thing you can do is to say; ‘THANK YOU.’ Learn to have Faith in The Love of God, learn to trust His Love, and learn to receive from Him by Faith. Quit trying reason it; He Bought & Paid for every good thing, and Gave it to you  2000yrs ago

We belong to God – we are not  our own, because Jesus Bought us With His Precious Blood: He Died a Painful and a Cruel Death, Shed His Precious Blood and Paid for us to Belong to Him – so you and we belong to Jesus, and we are no more the devil’s business (Free). You are Blessed, Jesus Paid for The Blessing to be in your life.  God Wants you to believe in The Blessing, because no matter where you go or whatever situation you are in The Blessing Can Turn everything Around for good and you will come out on top.

 Jesus has set us free from the slavery that comes as a result of the fear of death. His Death and Resurrection has rendered death powerless to all of us in Him. We have been Set free; Truly free from the fear of death that once had the power to enslave us. May you walk in this mindset that Christ has truly set you free; amen.



Dear Lord Jesus, thank You so much for the price You paid for me. May I walk in the full liberty and victory that Your Sacrifice Pas provided for me;

In Jesus name, amen.

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