(NKJV): “Ps 66:8-9 – O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of his praise to be heard: Which holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved”.

(CEV); “Ps 66:8-9 – All of you people, come praise our God! Let his praises be heard. God protects us from death and keeps us steady”.

Why is praise so important to God? Praise originates in a heart full of love toward God. Deuteronomy 6:5 says, “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Are you a Christian today? If so, you know that you love God because He First Loved you! Without God’s love, any praise you can offer is hollow.

Praising God in this context implies, declaring God’s Goodness and Greatness unto Him as an act of appreciation. King David, in our Scripture reference, gives us two important reasons for which we have to seriously keep praising God.

Firstly, we are to praise God because He Has Kept our souls among the living. Beloved, many souls are added to the grave every minute of life. The mere fact that we have not been counted among the dead but the living, is enough reason for us to lift up praises in honor of God.

The second reason David gives as the reason for us to praise God is that God Did not Let our feet slip. This implies God’s firm Guidance in life. God Has been the One Ordering our steps on daily basis – always praise God for we have a cause to do so.

Acts 16: 26 – Praise brings deliverance – Paul & Silas in Jail

  • 2 Chr 20; 3 – If you want to defeat the devil then do what  Jehoshaphat  did – Praise God
  • E 14; 22b – it confuses the devil when he throws his best shot at you, but you just Praise God & sing to Him

When you complain about your life you will remain like that, but when you praise God, even in that same bad condition God Will Lift you up. We should stop complaining, & rather praise God for the great things He Has Done & is Doing for us. Whenever you are in a situation that you do not know what to do; Just step back, lift your voice and praise God – if you do that then you are transferring the battle to God.

Learn how to praise God even when it is  not convenient. It is so important that you praise God for What He Has Done or Doing &/or is about to Do in your life. Don’t focus on what you don’t have & praise God for what you do have, because praising  God makes room in your life for Him to Give  you More. When you praise God, His Blessings Come Down

Let us praise Him for Who is in our life, & for What He Has Done &/or is Doing. When we praise God and we are thankful to Him, it allows The Holy Spirit to Come in and Do Some Amazing things in our life: When we complain it just allows satan into our life. In everything we should give thanks to God.  Praise God for what you can see with your eyes of Faith.

Praise Gives God a Gift and an Offering: Praise is not only a command, but a gift we give to God. It’s a sacrifice of our heart – giving him our best, even when we don’t feel up to it. The more we praise God and give him this gift, the more we will be filled with God’s Love to share with others.


Heavenly Father, all praise and thanks be unto Your Name. Thank You LORD for Your steadfast Love.

in Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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