Matthew 24:1-2, 42 – “1 Now as Jesus was going out of the temple courts and walking away, his disciples came to show him the temple buildings. 2 And he said to them, “Do you see all these things? I tell you the truth, not one stone will be left on another. All will be torn down!”…42.Therefore stay alert, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”
Hello child of God. Do you know that one of these days, this world will come to an end? Jesus made it clear that all the adorable things on this earth will one day be torn down.
Jesus was walking with His Disciples when they eagerly drew His attention to the beautiful temple buildings. Jesus expressed a reaction that might have made the disciples sad; He told them that the temple would be torn down completely. I am sure if Jesus had said this in our days, He would have been criticized as a prophet of doom.
Beloved, let us not forget that Jesus assured us of this present world coming to an end. All the beautiful things on this earth will be destroyed. Our properties, cars, sophisticated technological devices, and buildings will all be destroyed. Not even one will stand.
This is not a myth or a fable; this is a future reality, and this world is fast approaching its end. God spent a lot of love and time fashioning us for eternity. We are eternal beings and whether a person ends up in Heaven or Hell, that person will be there forever.
As for life on this current earth, it is just a platform to ‘justify our inclusion’ and for us to qualify for either of these eternal destinations. The wealth on this earth is just a teaser to ‘wet our appetite’ for Heaven. The pain and death are only to serve as a reminder of Hell. Let us aim at qualifying for Heaven.
Jesus Christ is admonishing us all to be alert, consciously awaiting His coming. We do not know when He will come, but we know for sure that He shall certainly come again. All will be torn down.
Heavenly Father, please Help me to prioritize eternal blessings over earthly material ones. Please Help me to overcome the sins that so easily beset me, that I will always be ready for Your Second Coming. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.