1 Peter 2:11-12, NET – “11 Dear friends, I urge you as foreigners and exiles to keep away from fleshly desires that do battle against the soul, 12 and maintain good conduct among the non-Christians, so that though they now malign you as wrongdoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God when he appears.”
1 Pet 2, 11 (Dearly beloved, I beseech you… abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;– stay away from the evil desires because it will war against the soul
Fleshly desires are the desire to do things for the pleasure or comfort of the physical body, without regard to the soul. The “desires of the flesh” are expressions of old sinful nature (before you were born-again), such as sexual immorality, enmity, dissension, and drunkenness, among others. Walking with the Holy Spirit feeds a new person and helps Christians overcome the desires of the flesh. If you live by your fleshly desires, then you are in darkness.
A friend once said to me: “Any time I look into the mirror, I see my first enemy”. He said that referring to his body. Obviously, our bodies are not evil in themselves, for we need the body to be alive on earth. However, sometimes this same body makes serious demands which when satisfied, destroy our souls, our very being.
The war between the desires of the flesh and that of our souls has been in existence from the very beginning of human history. Strong men and rulers of nations have fallen due to a lack of self-control against the desires of the flesh. I fear for people who think they are too spiritual to fall for destructive fleshy desires. Peter’s advice is a timely one for us all; “Keep away from fleshy desires that battle against your soul”.
You may be wondering what kind of desires war against your soul. Simply put, these are the things that capture your mind, will, and emotions and drive you to do things you later regret, and bear worse consequences for. For example, every woman would love to be in the best of garments and ornaments. However, that strong desire to have these at all costs has driven some ladies into pilfering.
A married man, upon admiring another woman for some time will be driven by fleshy desires to commit adultery with her. Later, his entire family gets shattered before him, and his entire life gets ruined. The fleshy desire to take just a sip of alcoholic wine was the subtle beginning of a disgraceful alcoholic life. We really need to be careful how we respond to the desires of the flesh.
Dearly beloved, I believe this is a good and timely caution for us all. Please stay away from fleshy desires that will lead you into destruction and hell. Keep away from enticements, friends, and temptations that lead you into ungodly acts. It’s not as easy as it sounds. May God grant us discernment and spiritual Grace to help us through.
The more you think about yourself & about your fleshly desires, the more unhappy/miserable you become. Avoid Lust – a strong appetite for something that is against THE WORD. Who or what is setting your mindset – what are you watching or listening to: because you are what you think. Amen.
Heavenly Father, please strengthen me with Grace and discernment to discover sinful enticements and overcome desires of the flesh that war against my soul. Deliver me from the traps of the wicked one and preserve the souls of my loved ones and I.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.